The use of CRV’s breeding concept increases rapidly. In 2012, CRV started with genomic testing of female animals to gather more data for the estimation of breeding values. In 2016 we determined that this technique should be available for all dairy farmers so they can use the genomic information for breeding decisions. The customized breeding concept and management tool HerdOptimizer was launched in Netherlands and Flanders. Last year CRV introduced genomic testing internationally with the tool HerdOptimizer Go. HerdOptimizer and HerdOptimizer GO are already available in 10 countries, varying from US to Romania and UK. Chile is the 10th and most recent country which is connected to CRV’s innovative and easy genomic testing concept
HerdOptimizer Go now available in 10 countries

Last year CRV introduced the breeding concept HerdOptimizer Go internationally. The tool gives farmers easy insight in the genetic potential of their herd by means of female genotyping. After a successful pilot period the concept is now used in 10 countries.
CRV’s breeding concept HerdOptimizer Go grows rapidly
Do you want to know more about HerdOptimizer Go? Read more about HerdOptimizer Go or download relevant information here:
HerdOptimizer Go: more than breeding values
HerdOptimizer Go is unique because it provides farmers worldwide unique and reliable indices and breeding values for Health and Efficiency. These are only available at CRV. It supports progress on every relevant KPI in dairy production. Besides production, health and conformation CRV delivers the only feed efficiency breeding value based on real feed intake data.
With HerdOptimizer Go, CRV has created a unique tool to gain easy insight in the genetic potential of the herd based on a customized breeding goal. This customized breeding concept and management tool creates the needed insight in the bulk of breeding values and enables easy connection with our worldwide valued mating tool, SireMatch.
Genomics are the future
The combination of continuous investment in high reliable and new relevant breeding values together with a tool as HerdOptimizer Go has leveraged the technique of genomic testing towards a crucial part for multiple modern dairy farms.
“At CRV we keep investing in innovation increasing the return on investment of genomic testing for the farmer”, explains Global Director Data Tjebbe Huybrechts. “By raising the right heifers, selective usage of sexed semen and beef on dairy products and getting insight in the performance of the animals. Genomics are an essential part of future dairy farming. It has just started."
HerdOptimer Go > Genomic testing for the next generation herd
HerdOptimizer Go is a tool to gain easy insight in the genetic potential of your herd. This customised breeding concept and management tool contains female genotyping and the possibility to personalise your mating advice using SireMatch.
- Realise your breeding goal faster, for a healthier and efficient herd with better conformation and improved milk production
- Increase your farm’s profitability by up to €980 per cow over three lactations
- Make breeding decisions more easily by using sexed semen on the genetically superior heifers and excluding the genetically inferior heifers
Are you interested in the potential of HerdOptimizer Go? Please contact your breeding advisor.