The heterozygote polled Delta Warren P (Warmond P x Nobel) is the new black-and-white NVI leader. His production inheritance is very high (based on genomic breeding values). With over 2,500 kg of milk and a score of +21% for CRV Efficiency, this bull forms the perfect answer to rising feed costs.
CRV, Leading in Health, Efficiency and Polled!

In the April 2022 index run, the ranking of black-and-white bulls in the Netherlands has a polled leader for the first time ever. In CRV’s red-and-white breeding programme, the polled gene is now so widely spread that several polled homozygotes have reached the top.
Warren P first polled leader
All-round Nippon P sons
No semen is available yet from the very young Warren. However, Delta Fast Lane (Remington x Lustrum) will be available. He debuted high on the previous index and is continuing to rise. Fast Lane is a remarkably rich-milk bull, who will pass on production of almost 1,200 kg of milk with +0.52% fat and +0.25% protein. In addition, he exhibits an appealing conformation profile with 110 udder, 110 feet and legs, and 112 total conformation in the linear composite indexes.
An excellent score of +8% CRV Health completes Fast Lane's all-round picture.
Several polled sons of Delta Nippon P, still the most widely used genomic bull in the Netherlands in the previous financial year, are scoring well in this index run, or confirming their already good scores. Of these sons, the heterozygous polled Delta Pineapple P (Nippon P x Trust) is with an attractive all-round inheritance pattern. Good performing dairy cows can be expected from Pineapple, with an appropriate balance between stature and width and a good body condition score.
The homozygote polled Delta Foster PP (Nippon P x Trust) is now also available. Among other things, he transmits over 1,000 kg of milk with +0.33% fat and +0.28% protein, proving without a doubt that breeding for polledness does not necessarily come at the expense of progress on other important traits.
In this index run, a number of bulls that were already widely used as InSire bulls were scored with a breeding value based on daughter performance for the first time. For example, Delta Skippy (Paragon x Vitesse) is again included in the range. He gains 35 points in the NVI, and transmits more than 600 kg milk with +0.69% fat and +0.32% protein and 108 total conformation.

Also top in GTPI/TPI
From CRV's TPI breeding programme in the United States, Peak Lukaku (Eldorado x Rubicon) emerges as a complete efficiency winner with his first daughter performance breeding value, with 2695 TPI, 747 $ Net Merit, 108 Feed Efficiency and +16% CRV Efficiency. Among the daughter-proven bulls, Hotline son Peak Langley remains in the top 100 TPI with 615 daughters, with excellent component percentages and scores of 2779 TPI, 751 $ Net Merit and +14% CRV Efficiency.
Siemers Tictoc (Alphabet x Lionel) is CRV's newest elite TPI bull with 3073 GTPI. This calving ease bull with an outcross pedigree guarantees highly efficient milk yields with high components. He scores 1145 $ Net Merit, 110 Feed Efficiency and +17% CRV Efficiency.
Another very interesting new name is Siemers Orono (Rozline x Delta-Lambda). He merits a breeding value of 3022 GTPI, with a very complete inheritance pattern. He is a top conformation sire, with 2.34 PTAT and 2.05 udder and also passes on almost 1,500 pounds of milk with +0.10% fat and +0.07% protein. Semen from Tictoc and Orono is not yet eligible for export to Europe.
The young Fustsyn Parker (Parfect x Brass) also notes outstanding scores for both production and conformation. His breeding value is 913 Net Merit, 2.42 udder, 1.79 feet and legs, and 2.78 PTAT. With 3043 GTPI, Parker now occupies position number three in the GTPI listing of bulls with more than 2 PTAT. Peak Fugleman (AltaZazzle x Positive) maintains a top spot with 3016 GTPI with excellent components, 1025 $ Net Merit and +16% CRV Efficiency. Converted to the German merit system, Fugleman now scores 158 RZG (Relativ Zuchtwert Gesamt).
Red-and-white scores with PP
In CRV’s red-and-white breeding programme, several homozygote polled bulls from CRV can be found at the top of the German RZG rankings. One of these bulls is Delta Drone PP (Nectar P X Esperanto). With 150 RZG, he is now the second highest available homozygote polled bull in Germany. Drone is an all-round bull for calving ease, and will boost the component percentages with +752 kg milk with +0.49% fat and +0.23% protein (based on the German system). Delta Bolitar PP (Solitair P x Jim P) also scores 150 RZG, and is an impressive all-rounder with +10% CRV Efficiency and +5% CRV Health.
All the calves by Delta Steam PP and Delta Launch PP are also born polled. Steam PP (Abundant P x Handy P) now scores 144 RZG, +9% CRV Efficiency and +7% CRV Health. Launch PP (Jopper P x Handy P) ends up with 133 RZG, +13% CRV Efficiency and +7% CRV Health.
With 159 RZG, Delta Cartoon Pp (AltaTop x Handy P) is now the highest RZG polled red-and-white bull in Germany, while Delta Taskforce Pp (Jacko PP x Esperanto) also maintains his position at the top of the ranking with 149 RZG.
Rody continues to rise
Among the red-and-white bulls with daughter-based breeding values, Aalshorst Rody (Riverboy x Fanatic) continues to surprise in a positive sense time and again. Currently numbering more than 1,000 daughters, his breeding value has increased to 140 RZG, +15% CRV efficiency and +7% CRV Health. These scores prove his reputation as one of the best red-and-white Holstein bulls of his generation. Delta Jacuzzi, with over 1,600 daughters and still meriting 140 RZG, has figures of +14% CRV Efficiency and +5% CRV Health, making him superior to many bulls.