CRV bulls deliver high returns with a focus on feed efficiency

Category: Press release
4 Launch PP daughters, owned by VOF De Broekhof
4 Launch PP daughters, owned by VOF De Broekhof

CRV bulls continue to deliver exceptional results for farmers, ensuring high returns under challenging economic conditions. Our breeding program focuses on health and efficiency, producing genetics that help farmers worldwide achieve high production efficiently and effortlessly.

A key part of our approach is our FeedExcel breeding strategy, which focuses on breeding cows that produce more milk with the same amount of feed, enhancing both efficiency and sustainability. The latest figures from our bulls align with this strategy, showing significant improvements in feed efficiency and longevity, which are crucial for modern farming.

Everton amasses 60 points NVI

With +5% CRV Health and +11% CRV Efficiency, Delta Everton (E Profit x Jorben) is a prime example of a bull that sires problem-free dairy cows. This proof run, he received his first breeding values based on daughter performance. This exceeds his genomic breeding value by 64 Euros INET and 60 points NVI. Everton breeds solidly built cows with the outstanding udders (109), good feet and legs (105) and high longevity (658 days). He is an exceptional component bull with +0.37% fat and +0.39% protein while increasing the milking speed (106).

Delta Evelyn (Jorben), dam of Everton
Delta Evelyn (Jorben), dam of Everton

Boyan is #1 and Tigerwoods delivers almost two years extra lifespan

The young efficiency winner Delta Boyan (Warren P RF x Endless RF) is now available through the CREATE program. The highest available bull for NVI scores an extremely high +19% CRV Efficiency because of 1,678 kg of milk with +0.36% fat and +0.17% protein (654 INET) and 111 feed efficiency. He fits perfectly into the FeedExcel breeding strategy by producing daughters with more milk with the same amount of feed. Boyan scores +6% CRV Health with 112 udder health, 111 hoof health and overall good conformation.

Tigerwoods De La Vigne (Ridercup x Yearwood), available through the CREATE program, proves that high and efficient production does not have to be at the expense of animal health and lifespan. This proof run his production improved to 2,243 kg of milk and 529 Euros INET with 107 feed efficiency. In addition, with +1,278 days, he is an absolute winner for lifespan, which means his daughters live for almost two years more than the daughters of an average bull. Tigerwoods is a FeedExcel bull and scores 111 udder health, 105 daughter fertility, 105 ketosis and +6% CRV Health.

Tigerwoods De La Vigne
Tigerwoods De La Vigne

Delta Boulevard (Wendat x Martin) combines efficient production with 2,000 kg of milk, excellent health traits with +7% CRV Health, 107 udder health, 107 daughter fertility and 109 hoof health. In addition, he sires overall good conformation (109) and udders (110).

Delta Boulevard
Delta Boulevard

Launch PP excellent for feet and legs

The widely used red-and-white Delta Launch PP graduated as a daughter proven sire based on 1,371 daughters, with the most striking aspect being his extremely high score for feet and legs of 118. This Jopper P son from the internationally used Caudumer Lol family improved his genomic breeding value by 63 points NVI and is a true high component transmitter with +0.41% fat and +0.19% protein. The homozygous polled Launch PP breeds labor-efficient animals. Farmers do not have to dehorn their calves or spend time dealing with hoof-related problems, due to a breeding value of 112 hoof health. Launch scores +7% CRV Health, which includes 107 ketosis.

Delta Launch PP
Delta Launch PP

The internationally widely used Delta Louis P, a Gywer son with the same dam as Launch PP, also graduated as daughter proven sire, and confirms his status as an extremely high milk transmitter with +2,345 kg. Louis P daughters develop into cows with strong milk frames and high rear udders. With breeding values of more than 500 days longevity and 106 feed efficiency, Louis P can achieve efficient high lifetime production and he is suitable for use on heifers.

Delta Louis P
Delta Louis P

Polledness reigns in red-and-white genomic bulls

As with black-and-white, as a sire of sons, Delta Warren P RF sires also the highest new genomic bull in red-and-white. His red sons also excel in efficiency. Delta Steadfast P (maternal sire Launch PP) isn’t available yet but shows a very interesting all-round profile with +10% CRV Health and +16% CRV Efficiency.

Delta Cream P (Goldline x Nominator), number two in the NVI ranking, is now available through the CREATE program. He lives up to his name with +0.89% fat and +0.29% protein. He is > 800 kg of milk, scores +15% CRV Efficiency and is a FeedExcel bull (107 feed efficiency). In addition, he excels in health, with +9% CRV Health,112 udder health, 112 hoof health and 104 ketosis.

Delta Cream
Delta Cream

Several interesting homozygous polled bulls have once again surfaced this proof round, such as Delta Fitter PP (Drone P x Sam P). He is >2,000 kg of milk, +1,154 days lifespan and 111 feed efficiency, resulting in an exceptionally high +22% CRV Efficiency. With these figures he is FeedExcel too.

Delta Primetime PP (Taskforce P x Abundant P) sires >1,000 days longevity and exceptional components at +0.36% fat and +0.21% protein. He is a top conformation transmitter with 110 feet and legs, 108 udder and 112 total type. Also, he excels in health traits at 110 udder health, 107 hoof health and 107 ketosis.

Delta Primetime
Delta Primetime

On the German base, Delta Party P (Borax x Solitair P) scores 157 RZG (Total Merit Index) making him the #1 red-and-white polled bull and #3 among all red-and-white bulls. Party P sires >1,200 kg of milk with +0.19% fat, +0.04% protein and 107 feed efficiency. Also, he is a strong conformation sire with 113 udder, 105 feet and legs and 111 total conformation score.

American program delivers complete bulls

CRV is excited to share highlights from the US breeding program that deliver for TPI, production, fertility and conformation. Three CREATE bulls (Anvil, Gusto, Mystical) have been added globally, leading the way for TPI and NM$.

Peak Anvil (Maverick x Wheelhouse) shines at 3266 TPI. Anvil transmits high production and conformation at 1,878 PTAM, +0.26% fat and +0.08% protein, 226 CFP, 1.68 PTAT, and 2.22 UDC. Anvil will create daughters with longer teat length at 0.19 TL.

Peak Anvil
Peak Anvil

Pen-Col Sheep Gusto (Sheepster x Gameday) serves multiple breeding indexes at 3,232 TPI and 1,272 NM$. Gusto is a complete bull at 1,236 PTAM, 207 CFP, -0.1 DPR, and 1.06 UDC. Gusto is expected to produce daughters with a balanced combination of stature and strength and is moderate for teat length. He is a FeedExcel bull with 107 feed efficiency. Unfortunately, Gusto does not qualify for export to the EU.

Peak Mystical (Mainstream x Moonrise) is a breed leading NM$ bull with a unique sire stack. Mystical is a Top 100 genomic bull globally at 1363 NM$. He is an elite production bull at 216 CFP with good milk quality (2.77 SCS) and high lifespan (6.1 PL). Combined with 107 Feed Efficiency, he fits perfectly into CRV’s FeedExcel strategy for breeding a more efficient and sustainable herd. Mystical is A2A2.

Ladys Manor Outkast hails from the popular LADYS-MANOR cow family and has no holes in his breeding profile. Outkast combines impressive figures of 3,208 TPI, 1,199 PTAM, 0.1 DPR, 1.75 PTAT, 1.78 UDC, and 0.85 FLC. He sires high, wide and strong udder attachment that will last for many lactations. Outkast is A2A2 and FeedExcel.

Ladys Manor Outkast
Ladys Manor Outkast

Pine-tree Shifu (Figaro x Foxcatcher) traces back to the O Man Mirror cow family at 3155 TPI. Shifu is another complete bull at 1698 PTAM, 0.4 DPR, 1.53 PTAT, 1.49 FLC, and 1.05 FLC. He scores well in health traits (+5% CRV Health), productive life (6.4) and feed efficiency (109) and fits seamlessly into the FeedExcel breeding strategy.

Ripp sons strengthen the Jersey portfolio

CRV strengthens its Jersey portfolio with the release of breed-leading sons by Jx Metcalf Ripp. Ripp continues to be a global leader at 166 JPI, 771 CM$, and 1773 PTAM.

Metcalf Ripp
Metcalf Ripp

Jx Bos Canadian is an early Ripp son and is a top 100 genomic sire at 163 JPI. Canadian transmits exceptional production and udders at 1,491 PTAM, 117 CFP, and 15.9 JUI.

New to the polled pipeline is Jx Peak Saison-P (Monster-P x Stoney) at 145 JPI. Saison-P transmits exceptional components, fertility and udders at +0.26 fat%, +0.08 protein%, 0.8 DPR, and 14.4 JUI.

These three outstanding Jersey bulls are now available through CRV’s CREATE program.