In this index run, Germany has applied the so-called single-step method to the Fleckvieh and Brown Swiss breeds. The new method provides greater prediction accuracy and more stable breeding values for young animals in particular. This new method will, however, lead to some changes in the new breeding values. The genetic base for components has increased, causing a decrease in the scores for fat and protein for many bulls.
Boost your profits with Fleckvieh bulls from CRV

The index run of April 2021 features bulls that excel in health and efficiency. CRV’s Fleckvieh portfolio has been strengthened and broadened with the addition of bulls that guarantee high production and good health. Robust, highly productive cows that significantly contribute to lower costs, higher yields and fewer problems for every dairy farmer.
Adapted estimated breeding values
Daughter proven bulls fulfill expectations
For farmers who want efficient cows that produce plenty of milk, Helsinki (Herzsc hlag x Watt x Reumut) is one of our newcomers and an excellent choice (+7% CRV Efficiency). With +1,143kg of milk, he belongs in the upper echelons of the daughter proven bulls. His daughters have correct udders (123) and are ideal for farms that use robotic milking systems. In addition, Helsinki is ideal as a calving ease bull on maiden heifers.

Huberus (Hubraum x Royal x Winnipeg) is another daughter proven newcomer with a super profile. He increases his total index by nine points and passes on a good milk production (+672kg) combined with a good beef value (115). His daughters are very fertile (118), calve easily and have healthy udders (114). Huberus produces robust daughters who perform very well in terms of health (+9% CRV Health).
With almost 300 lactating daughters, the world-class bull Worldcup (Wertvoll x Watt x Reumut) has certainly fulfilled his expectations. Farmers who want a reliable all-rounder need look no further than Worldcup, who offers copious milk (+862) and good udder health (114). His daughters have wonderful conformation, including super udders (112). With these qualities, it’s no surprise that this bull is also a successful sire of sons.

Young complete top performers
The most complete young, top performer on the list of young bulls is Makay (Malawi x Varta x Mint). This bull has a profile synonymous with profitability. He merits a GZW (total breeding value) of 140, thanks to abundant milk (+753) and great component percentages (+0.13 fat and + 0.08 protein). He delivers a good balance between efficiency (+9%) and health (+7%) due to traits that include extremely healthy (126), correct udders (125). The udders of Makay daughters – who are cows of average stature – will excel in udder depth and teat placement.
The new young bull Warlock (Weissensee x Hugoboss x Mint) exemplifies efficiency. With +1,163kg milk with neutral components combined with high longevity, Warlock is a genuine margin maker. His daughters are not only efficient producers (+11% CRV Efficiency) but also problem-free, as Warlock also scores +6% for CRV Health, thanks to 115 points for udder health among other qualities. With his inheritance pattern for udders and legs (122 and 118), nothing seems to stand in the way of Warlock becoming a bestselling bull.

Vito (Vidal x Wobbler x Dell) is a real Mr Fitness who offers sensational udder health (136) and amazing udders (123). His daughters will show good persistency and produce enough milk (+750kg). Newcomer Vito is another great example of a CRV sire that ultimately combines health (+9%) and efficiency (+8%). Farmers who opt for Vito will go on to milk healthy, highly productive cows with lovely udders who will contribute to increased profits.
Together with you, our aim is a healthy, problem-free herd that efficiently converts feed into milk and guarantees high lifetime production.