CRV Health

<p>CRV Health</p>

CRV Health

More return, less work

  • Less claw problems
  • Higher percentage non return
  • Less clinical mastitis

CRV Health

With the best bulls for CRV Health, you will breed cows that get pregnant easily, have healthy hooves and suffer less from mastitis. Your cows will calve more easily and will be less susceptible to ketosis.

A healthy herd makes work more pleasurable and profitable. CRV Health helps you breed trouble-free, easy-to-manage cows with excellent longevity.

Jos Knoef, dairy farmer in Geesteren, the Netherlands
“Big Boukje 192 was the first cow to reach the milestone of 200,000 litres!”
Jos Knoef, dairy farmer in Geesteren, the Netherlands

Index for health

CRV’s indexes simplify breeding for health and efficiency. The CRV Health index improves fertility and udder and hoof health. This has the advantage of making herd management easier and reducing the number of cows that require treatment.

Improvement of health

A bull that scores +6% for CRV Health can be expected to produce daughters with 3% fewer problems with udder health, hoof health and fertility, for example. Traits included: fertility, udder health, hoof health, ketosis, calving ease, calf vitality, calf survival.

Results of breeding for CRV Health
Practical research* shows that breeding for CRV Health works. Cows with +6% for this index have a shorter calving interval, a lower incidence of mortellaro and a lower somatic cell count.

Important building blocks of health

The CRV indexes give a complete picture of health and efficiency, but it is also possible to target the main components in the breeding strategy. Important building blocks of CRV Health are fertility, hoof health and udder health. The table below shows the effect of breeding for the health* building blocks.

CRV Health

Data based upon the Holstein breed and using a bull with a breeding value of >one standard deviation on an average cow (100)

** per 100 cows per year

CRV Health

An achievement we are proud of

Together with farmers all over the world, we work on producing healthy and efficient herds. We have been committed to this ambition for years. That is why we are the global leader in health and efficiency, which is an achievement we are proud of!

Start with CRV Health now!

Are you interested in CRV Health or would you like some more information? Find a distributor in your region or request more information via our contact form.

Building blocks of CRV health

Udder health
Udder health

CRV is leading in udder health by offering several solutions for enhanced udder health. Read more.

Hoof health
Hoof health

Improving hoof health pays out directly; healthy cows have a better welfare, produce more and give less trouble. Read more.


Fertile cows show their heat on time and get pregnant quickly and easily. Good daughter fertility is essential for the continuity of the herd and the farm income. Cows in calf start producing milk after calving and produce replacement heifers for the herd.