We are a cooperative

We are a cooperative. In other words, farmers are joint owners of CRV. They are in charge and actively contribute to innovations and the path and strategy the company takes. They know their data is secure and ensure that our innovations remain in their hands. Together we invest in areas that transcend the interest of individual farmers.
Joining forces enables us to accelerate technical innovations, genetic progress and data collection
Collectively we continue to make the herds and the lives of farmers worldwide a little better. So that farming stays relevant, worthwhile and enjoyable. For farmers, our environment and our children, the farmers of tomorrow.
Visit the cooperative website.
Board and organisational structure
To ensure that as many different farmers as possible can contribute to the organisational policy, our corporate structure is arranged to promote this. The administrative organisation of CRV u.a. covers the Netherlands and Flanders and consists of 10 districts, departments, a members’ council, a CRV cooperative board, a CRV advisory council, a dual-purpose committee and three youth committees.

Regions, districts and members’ council
We have divided the Netherlands and Flanders into regions, each sub-divided into districts. Each district has eight to twelve council members and the dairy and beef segments are both represented. The boards of each district together form the members’ council of the CRV cooperative and are therefore the highest governing body in our organisation. The members’ council attends meetings to discuss all matters of interest to CRV and supervises and monitors our CRV executive board.
CRV cooperative board
The CRV cooperative is managed by the CRV cooperative board that convenes at least six times a year. Day-to-day management is entrusted to the CRV executive board.
Members of the CRV cooperative board (as of 11-03-2021):
– W. (Wietse) Duursma, Bellingwolde | chairman
– L. L. A. (Luc) Reijnders, Linkhout
– K. J. (Kurt) Faes, Meer
– A. P. H. J. (Fons) Kersten, Sevenum
– S. (Sjoerd) Schaap, Tirns
– P. (Peter) Schrijver, Epse
– G. J. (Gert-Jan) Verploeg, Buurmalsen
CRV executive board
In addition to the CRV cooperative board, CRV has also appointed a CRV executive board responsible for CRV’s day-to-day management. Angus Haslett is CEO and Egon Verheijden is CFO.

CRV advisory council
The CRV advisory council advises on market developments in the dairy sector, such as innovation, breeding, management products, CO2-reduction, animal welfare and reproductive techniques.

CRV dual-purpose committee
The dual-purpose committee advises on the needs of farmers, the positioning of dual-purpose breeds within CRV, marketing of semen of dual-purpose bulls and the organisation of breeding programmes.

The CRV youth committee
Who has the youth, has the future. Precisely for this reason, CRV has three regional CRV youth committees, each with a minimum of 12 members aged 18 to 30. They advise the supervisory board and the CRV executive board on the opinion of the younger generation regarding important issues and focus on the involvement of young people in CRV.