Our breeding management programme SireMatch helps you to get maximum progress in your herd with minimum effort.
How can you effortlessly breed a healthy and efficient herd, even if you have little to no information about your cows? SireMatch2 is an innovative mating tool that provides reliable mating advice based on your personal breeding goal, without the need for cow data.
This tool is specifically designed for farmers who lack access to pedigree information about their herd.
With SireMatch2, CRV makes sire advice available for farmers with no access to pedigree information of their herd. Build on innovative technology, SireMatch2 provides you with the best possible mating advice for Holstein herds on several bases.
The easy-to-use mating tool helps you to define your breeding goal and breeding preferences. You will end up with a CRV sire selection that match your specific needs and breeding preferences.
Use of SireMatch2 leads to improvements on the traits that matter most to you. Are you interested in SireMatch2 or would you like some more information? Find a distributor in your region or request more information via our contact form.