Central Europe

Central Europe
Market Central Europe
Market Luxembourg
Genlux s.a.r.l.
3-5, Rue de l’école agricole – Centre J.F. Kennedy
L-9016 Ettelbruck
Phone: +352 26811351
Fax: +352 26811352
CRV Export: sales@crv4all.com
Website: www.genlux.lu
Market Germany
CRV Germany has over 120 employees and was founded in 2000. The insemination centre Maggle in Wasserburg provides semen for the German market and other markets around the world.
Osterdammer Strasse 47
49401 Damme
Phone: +49 54 91 999 79 0
Fax: +49 54 91 999 79 10
E-mail: info@crv4all.de
Website: www.crv4all.de
Market Spain
CRV Genetics España S.L.
Oro, 32 – Nave 14 Pol. Ind. Sur
28770 – Colmenar Viejo- MADRID
Phone: +34 91 8034279
Fax: +34 91 8035271
E-mail: crvinfo@crv4all.es
Website: www.crv4all.es
Market United Kingdom
CRV United Kingdom
Burgage Lodge
1st Floor Rear Suite
184 Franche Road
DY11 5 AD
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1562 861582
E-mail: info@crv4all.co.uk
Website: www.crv4all.co.uk
Market Czech Republic
CRV is the biggest cattle breeding company in the Czech Republic and is active throughout the whole country. Besides the top gentics from dairy, dual puprose and beef breeds CRV also offers solution for herd management, heat detection and health monitoring and reproduction advisory.
CRV Czech Republic, spol. s r.o.
č.p. 420
281 44 Zásmuky
Czech Republic
Phone:+ 318 864 117
E-mail: info@crvcz.cz
Website: www.crvcz.cz
(postal address: CRV Czech Republic, spol. s r.o., Plemenářská stanice 420, 281 44 Zásmuky, The Czech Republic)