Grootendorst Farms; Always looking for more commercial cows

Category: Testimonials
Brothers Henk and Ary Grootendorst
Grootendorst Farms, Maryhill Ontario

Grootendorst Farms, located in Maryhill, Ontario, Canada, is owned and operated by brothers Henk and Ary Grootendorst. They farm 1000 acres, and milk 600 cows 3 times a day in a double 16 herringbone parlor. The immaculately kept farm produces 11,800 kg milk, with 4.33% fat, and 3.38% protein.

Henk sums up his breeding goals well went stating: “We are always looking for cows with long longevity, plus for components, and plus for health traits. I don’t like big framy cows, I like cows that are more commercial." Other items he values are somatic cell count, milking speed, and udder quality. “My favorite animals are the ones I never see in the barn; when I look her up she is a highly productive cow, " Henk concludes.

The brothers have been working with CRV for a while now and it is based on a solid relationship and aligned goals.

Two brothers standing in a barn in front of a calf
Henk and Ary Grootendorst

Feed eficient cows

Grotendorst Farms sees value in more feed-efficient cows. Their quota is based on fat and protein so that is what they aim for as the output result of a feed efficient animal. “I think feed efficiency in the cows will be important in the future. You see the grain prices and fuel prices rise really quickly, and that is one of the reasons we like to fill up the milk quota with kg fat and protein with the least amount of cows possible. Decreasing the feed intake for cows means your feeding costs go down… What is on the farm right now works nicely, fits nicely, and is easy to control” says Henk.

Sexed and beef semen are also a part of their current and future strategy with 50% beef (Angus) and 50% sexed semen usage today, but going toward 70% beef and 30% dairy semen in the near future.

Always looking for more commercial cows!

See also our video testimonial from the brothers Grootendorst about their cooperation with CRV.

See also our video testimonial from the brothers Grootendorst about their breeding goal.