Peak Hotline (Altahotrod x Mogul) ranks among the highest daughter-proven bulls on a US merit basis. With his first daughters already in their second lactation, he maintains his top position. He is the number one, daughter-proven bull available in the world with >3 PTAT and 140 lbs combined fat and protein.
Efficient CRV bulls with high components and fewer problems

The index run of April 2021 confirms that consistent breeding for efficient and healthy cows pays dividends. CRV's portfolio has been strengthened and broadened with the addition of bulls that guarantee robust, highly productive and efficient daughters with high components, without any problems.
Daughter-proven number one
Young US sires well balanced in health and efficiency
Looking at our new stars based on the US ranking system, the first bull that catches the eye with 3,000 GTPI is Peak Goku* (Maestro x Marius). With 7% for CRV Health and 11% for CRV Efficiency, Goku is a great example of a good balance between health and efficiency. His daughters will be productive (151 CFP), long lasting (PL 6.0), fertile (1.5 DPR) and have less mastitis (udder health 106).

Peak Upswing* (I Pursuit x Duke) is another fine example of balanced health (6%) and efficiency (13%). He combines 1,032 lbs milk with positive percentages for fat and protein. His daughters will be very persistent producers (108) and convert feed into milk more efficiently (feed efficiency 106).
A bull that ranks even higher for feed efficiency is Progenesis Intricate. This Pursuit son scores 108 for feed efficiency which means that his daughters on average will produce 4% more milk per kg of dry matter feed intake. With 801 NM$ and 2,967 GTPI, Intricate will also be a very popular bull for a lot of dairy farmers all over the world.
Prominent Weelder Esmonique family delivers top bulls
Based on the Dutch and Flemish scores, the Weelder Esmonique family plays a prominent role in this index run. Among the daughter-proven bulls, Weelder Empire and Weelder Esperanto lived up to their high expectations and in the young black-and-white bull segment, Delta Endless rf continues his remarkably high merit scores from the previous index run.
CRV’s number one daughter-proven bull is Weelder Empire (Bravo x G Force). His daughters are very nice examples of healthy and efficient cows. They excel in components (+0.50% fat and +0.22% protein), are long lasting (+598 days) and trouble free (9% CRV Health).
The Jacuzzi son from the Weelder Esmonique family Delta Endless rf scores an unequalled 20% for CRV Efficiency (Jacuzzi x Finder) thanks to a combination of milk with sky high components. For this genomic sire this results in 529 Inet and a very high breeding value for feed efficiency (111). His daughters will achieve this high production with ease, as Endless also scores 8% for CRV Health, with figures that include 106 udder health, 104 fertility and 106 hoof health.

High components sires improve margin
The breeding power of the Double W Ricky family is now also confirmed by Double W Ranger’s half-brother Double W Rodeo (Regard x Snowfever). His daughters have pushed up their sire's breeding value by another 14 points NVI. With a breeding value for production of +0.30% fat and +0.13% protein with 313 Inet, Rodeo can still hold his own against many a young bull. He produces robust cows with plenty of chest width and with his score of 107 for feet and legs, he can also boost the conformation of many herds.
Internationally unique polled sire
In the red-and-white segment, the young Delta Launch PP (Jopper P x Handy P) is firmly in the spotlights as a polled top bull with 1296kg milk with +0.53% fat and +0.27% protein and +16% CRV Efficiency. For a bull whose calves will be born genetically polled to attain such high scores is a unique feat internationally. In addition, Launch will also pass on 109 for feet and legs and 108 for hoof health.
Delta Jim P (Adapter P x Snow) delivers an exceptional performance among the daughter-proven contenders. He produces unbeatable conformation in his very well-developed daughters. They have sloping rumps (106) and outstanding feet and legs (110) that guarantee wonderfully smooth movement (locomotion 111). Jim P daughters will have very few problems with their hooves. This heterozygous polled bull, who represents high milk production, rose by €25 Inet to total 301 Inet and +10% CRV Efficiency.
Red and white sire that is second to none
Poppe Freestyle Red (Gywer Rdc x Born P) is one of the most complete bulls available and ranks sky-high on the German index (166 RZG). He will not only catch the eye of red-and-white dairy farmers. His genetic level also makes him very interesting in the black-and-white list. Freestyle combines high production (1,411kg milk with 0.13% fat and 0.06% protein) with strong feet and legs (119) and very good udders (128). With 6% for CRV Health and 15% CRV Efficiency he is also a perfect example of the ultimate balance between health and efficiency.
CRV sires support dairy farmers all over the world in breeding a healthier and more efficient herd.
* Peak Goku and Peak Upswing are available under restrictions, as they are currently also being used as sire of sons