During the April 2024 proof run, Makay (Malawi x Varta), who was heavily used as an InSire bull, got his first breeding values based on daughter performance resulting in 132 GZW. With breeding values of +345 kg Milk, +0.24% fat and +0.08% protein, Makay clearly improves fat and protein components. He sires solid udders (121) with excellent udder health (125). Makay daughters can be perfectly milked automatically and have a long lifespan expectation (breeding value 117).
Broad CRV Fleckvieh range offers top-quality bulls for every breeding goal

All Fleckvieh breeders have their own personal requirements. CRV’s Fleckvieh program offers a broad range of bulls that will always meet ones breeding goal, whether that is on kilos milk, on increasing fat and protein or on achieving additional progress on meat traits such as growth and muscularity. On top of that, CRV offers top-quality polled bulls and bulls that fit the needs for herds with automatic milking systems.
Virginia daughters increase in second lactation

The production breeding value of Virginia (Villeroy x Hubraum) is now based on the performance of 523 daughters. His oldest daughters now calved for the second time and are showing a great production increase. Virginia rose to a production breeding value of +955 kg of milk, a milk index of 123 and scores 135 GZW. He is also an excellent conformation sire with 113 feet and legs and 115 udders. Virginia increases milking speed (114), breeds cows suitable for robotic milking and can be used on heifers (113 calving ease).
Component winners and kilo champions
The new polled InSire bull Sumatra Pp* (Sputnik x Victim PP*) is a great example of the all-round breeding goal of CRV. He increases both milk production (+609 kg of milk) and components (+0.18% of fat and +0.07% of protein) and scores a lifespan breeding value of 124. His daughters are expected to be trouble-free producing Fleckvieh cows that can easily be automatically milked with +7% CRV Health with 123 daughter fertility and 117 udder health. Sumatra Pp* scores 142 GZW.

InSire bull Hallgraf (Hoeri x Verzaubert) is a true kilo champion with production breeding values of +995 kg of milk, +84 kg of fat and protein resulting in a milk index of 129. His daughters will combine a high milk production with excellent fertility (126) and great udders (117). Hallgraf also sires a longer lifespan (120).
Hudora (Hellstorm x Virginia) has a milk index of 129 and sires +1,281 kg of milk and +80 kg of fat and protein. He has a breeding value for udder conformation of 119 and his daughters will be expected to calve easily (113) and have good udder health (110) and fertility (112).
Donut (Deluxe x Webmaster) is also a kilo champion for production with +1,187 kg of milk and +78 kg of fat and protein resulting in a milk index of 128. He increases udder health (116) and daughter fertility (114), improves the udders (119) and is a perfect choice for dairy farmers who use robotic milking systems.
Dual-purpose bulls for milk and meat
With 141 GZW, Vienetta (Virginia x Wombat) is a high-scoring newcomer with an all-round profile. He sires more than 800 kg of milk with +0.03% protein, a meat index of 115 and a lifespan breeding value of 117 With breeding values of 123 for udder health and 117 fore daughter fertility, he scores +7% CRV Health.
Woidboy P*S (Wintertraum x Majestaet PP*) is a dual-purpose bull with a milk index of 120 and a meat index of 117. His daughters will also achieve a longer lifespan (113). Woidboy is suitable for farmers who use robotic milking systems, he improves udder health (116) and his calves are born easily (116).

Inside Pp* (Iq P*S x Mydarling) is also a dual-purpose Fleckvieh bull with a milk index of 122, a meat index of 115 and a muscularity breeding value of 108. Inside is also an excellent conformation sire with, 123 udder, 106 frame and 103 feet and legs. He improves udder health (121), but also increases the milking speed (119). This new InSire bull is also suitable for dairy farmers who use automatic milking systems.