Financial information

Key figures
2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2017-2018 | 2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | |
Net sales before member dividend | 168,743 | 166,873 | 173,573 | 171,901 | 170,244 |
Member dividend | -346 | 0 | -4,148 | -4,098 | -1,941 |
Net sales after member dividend | 168,397 | 166,873 | 169,425 | 167,803 | 168,303 |
Operating profit (including book profits) | 2,060 | 5,349 | 10,617 | 10,136 | 6,991 |
Goodwill amortisation, impairments and restructuring | -1,358 | -970 | -623 | 347 | -3,249 |
Member dividend | -346 | 0 | -4,148 | -4,098 | -1,941 |
Operating result | 356 | 4,379 | 5,846 | 6,385 | 1,801 |
Result after taxation | 346 | 3,758 | 4,148 | 4,098 | 1.940 |
Equity capital | 83,703 | 87,233 | 83,759 | 82,804 | 79,481 |
Balance sheet total | 120,878 | 124,072 | 123,771 | 121,792 | 119,884 |
Working capital (including cash and cash equivalents) | 30,705 | 30,430 | 37,475 | 33,926 | 39,982 |
Liquidity | 1.93 | 1.93 | 2.05 | 1.98 | 2.16 |
Solvency | 69% | 70% | 68% | 68% | 66% |
The table above shows CRV’s development over the past five financial years. To enable good comparison, the key figures are shown including and excluding the payment of dividends to members and the amortisation of goodwill. In the event of an acquisition, goodwill is the added value of a company over and above its net worth. Goodwill amortisation is the reduction in the amount of the goodwill asset.
Key figures
2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2017-2018 | 2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | |
Net sales before member dividend | 168,743 | 166,873 | 173,573 | 171,901 | 170,244 |
Member dividend | -346 | 0 | -4,148 | -4,098 | -1,941 |
Net sales after member dividend | 168,397 | 166,873 | 169,425 | 167,803 | 168,303 |
Operating profit (including book profits) | 2,060 | 5,349 | 10,617 | 10,136 | 6,991 |
Goodwill amortisation, impairments and restructuring | -1,358 | -970 | -623 | 347 | -3,249 |
Member dividend | -346 | 0 | -4,148 | -4,098 | -1,941 |
Operating result | 356 | 4,379 | 5,846 | 6,385 | 1,801 |
Result after taxation | 346 | 3,758 | 4,148 | 4,098 | 1.940 |
Equity capital | 83,703 | 87,233 | 83,759 | 82,804 | 79,481 |
Balance sheet total | 120,878 | 124,072 | 123,771 | 121,792 | 119,884 |
Working capital (including cash and cash equivalents) | 30,705 | 30,430 | 37,475 | 33,926 | 39,982 |
Liquidity | 1.93 | 1.93 | 2.05 | 1.98 | 2.16 |
Solvency | 69% | 70% | 68% | 68% | 66% |
The table above shows CRV’s development over the past five financial years. To enable good comparison, the key figures are shown including and excluding the payment of dividends to members and the amortisation of goodwill. In the event of an acquisition, goodwill is the added value of a company over and above its net worth. Goodwill amortisation is the reduction in the amount of the goodwill asset.
Financiële kerncijfers
2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2017-2018 | 2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | |
netto-omzet vóór ledenvoordeel | 168.743 | 166.873 | 173.573 | 171.901 | 170.244 |
ledenvoordeel | -346 | 0 | -4.148 | -4.098 | -1.941 |
netto-omzet na ledenvoordeel | 168.397 | 166.873 | 169.425 | 167.803 | 168.303 |
operationeel resultaat (incl. boekwinsten) | 2.060 | 5.349 | 10.617 | 10.136 | 6.991 |
amortisatie goodwill, impairments en herstructurering | -1.358 | -970 | -623 | 347 | -3.249 |
ledenvoordeel | -346 | 0 | -4.148 | -4.098 | -1.941 |
bedrijfsresultaat | 356 | 4.379 | 5.846 | 6.385 | 1.801 |
resultaat na belasting | 346 | 3.758 | 4.148 | 4.098 | 1.940 |
eigen vermogen | 83.703 | 87.233 | 83.759 | 82.804 | 79.481 |
balanstotaal | 120.878 | 124.072 | 123.771 | 121.792 | 119.884 |
werkkapitaal (inclusief liquide middelen) | 30.705 | 30.430 | 37.475 | 33.926 | 39.982 |
liquiditeit | 1,93 | 1,93 | 2,05 | 1,98 | 2,16 |
solvabiliteit | 69% | 70% | 68% | 68% | 66% |
Bovenstaande tabel geeft de ontwikkeling van CRV weer over de afgelopen vijf boekjaren. Voor een goede vergelijking zijn de kerncijfers in- en exclusief ledenvoordeel en amortisatie van goodwill weergegeven. Goodwill is bij een overname de meerwaarde van een onderneming boven het nettovermogen. De afschrijving van goodwill heet amortisatie
Key figures
2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2017-2018 | 2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | |
Net sales before member dividend | 168,743 | 166,873 | 173,573 | 171,901 | 170,244 |
Member dividend | -346 | 0 | -4,148 | -4,098 | -1,941 |
Net sales after member dividend | 168,397 | 166,873 | 169,425 | 167,803 | 168,303 |
Operating profit (including book profits) | 2,060 | 5,349 | 10,617 | 10,136 | 6,991 |
Goodwill amortisation, impairments and restructuring | -1,358 | -970 | -623 | 347 | -3,249 |
Member dividend | -346 | 0 | -4,148 | -4,098 | -1,941 |
Operating result | 356 | 4,379 | 5,846 | 6,385 | 1,801 |
Result after taxation | 346 | 3,758 | 4,148 | 4,098 | 1.940 |
Equity capital | 83,703 | 87,233 | 83,759 | 82,804 | 79,481 |
Balance sheet total | 120,878 | 124,072 | 123,771 | 121,792 | 119,884 |
Working capital (including cash and cash equivalents) | 30,705 | 30,430 | 37,475 | 33,926 | 39,982 |
Liquidity | 1.93 | 1.93 | 2.05 | 1.98 | 2.16 |
Solvency | 69% | 70% | 68% | 68% | 66% |
The table above shows CRV’s development over the past five financial years. To enable good comparison, the key figures are shown including and excluding the payment of dividends to members and the amortisation of goodwill. In the event of an acquisition, goodwill is the added value of a company over and above its net worth. Goodwill amortisation is the reduction in the amount of the goodwill asset.